Safe City Islamabad integrates with Sindh Excise Department to issue e-challans

ISLAMABAD, Nov 2 (APP):Safe City Islamabad has recently integrated with the Sindh Excise and Taxation Department, facilitating the issuance of e-challans.

A spokesperson of Islamabad police confirmed this integration through the Safe City E-Challan system. The integration comes in response to the discovery of numerous vehicles with Sindh number plates violating traffic laws within the federal capital. This posed a challenge as their data was previously inaccessible within the Safe City E-Challan system, hindering the issuance of e-challan tickets.

The collaboration with the Sindh Excise and Taxation Department will significantly streamline the process of issuing e-challan tickets for traffic law violators. Stringent measures have also been implemented to address persistent traffic law offenders and individuals who default on their e-challans.

To this end, the Islamabad Capital Police has enforced strict actions, including the suspension of driving licenses for those who default on their e-challans. Modern surveillance systems are being utilized to trace vehicles of defaulters.

Citizens can conveniently check their e-challan status on the official website of the Islamabad Capital Police at or by visiting the following link: This can be done by entering their vehicle registration number.

In terms of fine payment, individuals can use the Jazz Cash mobile app or JS Bank wallet to clear their e-challan fines. Non-payment will result in legal action being taken against the defaulters.

The Islamabad Capital Police reaffirms its commitment to upholding peace, ensuring security, and safeguarding the lives and property of its citizens.