Brick Kiln workers demand implementation of existing laws

ISLAMABAD, Jul 07 (APP):Majority of the brick kiln workers complained low wages of their work violating the minimum level of wages under labour law making it hard for them to meet both ends of their lives.
Workers shared that they are facing severe challenges including lack of basic facilities, long working hours, leaves in emergency, medical facility and hazardous working conditions.
During visits to different brick kiln, said bonded labor, harassment, child labor, exploitation and not paying minimum wages to employees were common.
Nasreen Bibi worker at brick kiln said that : “I don’t even remember  the exact year when I came here to work, my kids grew up here to work and now they are part of the same system”.
She said that there are number of women here who were facing plenty of challenges but continue their work to feed their families. Afsheen Safdar a social activist said that brick kiln industry is actually run by businessmen and owners don’t register their kilns with labor department so that they don’t have to provide social security and old-age benefits to the workers.
She said that  their living condition is alarming, with lack of basic amenities throwing them in a vicious cycle of poverty. She urged to proper implementation of existing laws towards the most neglected sector, while its workers are largely deprived of their legal rights and entitlements and forced to work in unhealthy and unsafe environments and  demanded new laws for their protection and safety. she said that there should be a regulatory body to resolve the issues of these workers.